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Фототехника и оптика Canon Canon-Club.ru - Пленочная и цифровая зеркальная техника Canon, а также совместимая сторонних производителей

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По умолчанию Canon introducing the world’s first AF lens with a built in Macro Lite¹ - the EF-M 28mm f/3.5 Macro IS STM - 11.05.2016, 11:33

London, UK, 11 May 2016 – Canon today unveils the EF-M 28mm f/3.5 Macro IS STM, a new macro lens for EOS M series cameras. Compact and lightweight, the lens offers unprecedented macro capabilities and includes the worlds first built in Macro Lite², removing shadow and darkness. With class leading magnification, the ability to focus on subjects as close as 13mm, and a body weighing just 130g, the EF-M 28mm f/3.5 Macro IS STM is also the world lightest macro lens³ for mirrorless interchangeable lens cameras. Whether youre shooting your favourite food to share on Instagram™, or the beautiful detail of a flower in spring, it is perfect for capturing intricate detail and colour.

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